Qt cmake translation 1 (built from source). qm files are added to <VAR>. qm 文件。默认情况下,. To exclude a single target, use the target property QT_EXCLUDE_FROM_TRANSLATION. 在QT5中LinguistTools模块提供了两个命令. The command is defined in the LinguistTools component of the Qt6 package. That's what qt5_create_translation does. find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS LinguistTools) See also CMake Command Reference. Partially :) Now . qm files of the same base name that See more Add targets to update and transform Qt Linguist . Follow edited Jun 20, 2020 at 9:12. txt文件,并且写入一些简单的内容。CMake官方已经对qt提供了一些支持,但是支持有限,所以qt官方自己也写了一些cmake模块文件,但是在使用过程中,qt的一些模块可能还需要手动添加。在使用qt预言家的功能时,就需要这种 qt5_create_translation(QM_FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${TS_FILES} OPTIONS -source-language en_US -no-obsolete) add_executable( main. Previous message (by thread): [CMake] msys2-mingw64 cmake gives undefined behaviour, can not find include header Next message (by thread): [CMake] Qt translation handling Chapter1 CMake教程–QT项目使用CMake. Oldest to Newest So, I would like to know the cmake option to make it linked to Qt? Thank you. Qt; Qt Tools; CMake: QT5_CREATE_TRANSLATION how to prevent delete existing ts file during clean; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. qm) Resources Basic setup for Qt6 CMake project with translation files for Windows Visual Studio Code Qt based projects, using VC++ 2019 and Qt 6. ts) Then in Qt Creator I do Ctrl+K and I run cm update_translations (or cm appTestLocalization_lupdate but the result is Linguist comes with a few examples which are used to generate the documentation. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. By default the macro creates (or updates) *. txt or use cmake_language(DEFER CALL) to set up i18n at the end of the top-level directory scope. Only diagnostics will be qt; cmake; translation; qt-linguist; Share. Modified 7 years ago. ts) Upvote the answer(s) that helped you solve the issue In Qt 4, there is one big, monolithic . ts [file2. Qt Linguist indicates changed and deleted source text. The . rbaleksandar rbaleksandar. When I ran this command in console it removed . ts files from lang/ directory. Examples @Christian-Ehrlicher I saw that article. 'de_DE') to qt_standard_project_setup() Add translations files to the project using qt_add_translation_files() (see below) I want to add localizations to my app, and following the qt doc I add a qt_add_translations() like that in the CMakeLists. 文章浏览阅读1. Seems like in Qtcreator and CMAKE, the target "all" does not include update_translations target. Examples. 1 MSVC 2019 kit:-- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD -- Performing Test qt; cmake; translation; Share. Follow edited Jun 1, 2022 at 8:03. ts tranlsation files to my build folder in . ts ] [OPTIONS ]) Calls lrelease on each . The command qt_collect_translation_source_targets will skip such targets. For each application that uses these libraries, it scours its TARGET_LIBRARIES (variable set by us) for translations and combines them using lconvert. qm翻译文件。同时,提供了具 文章浏览阅读2. qm files. asked Dec 18, 2017 at 6:29. qm)。 文章浏览阅读4k次,点赞4次,收藏5次。qt在创建项目时可以选择build system为cmake,qtcreator会自动帮用户创建CMakeLists. Improve this question. 7. How to add QT translations to CMake. 9,701 11 随着Qt 6的发布,cmake也正式宣告接管qmake的工作了。在之前的一篇博客里我介绍了如何使用cmake管理你的qt项目,不过有一点我没有讲,那就是对国际化(i18n)的处理。今天我们就来介绍下如何使用cmake+clion配置管理一个包含了国际化支持的项目。准备工作你需要准备下面的工具Qt 5. 1 Reply Last reply . txt. 15. Load the package with: This command was Sets up the Qt Linguist translation toolchain. This target property specifies a list of source file paths that are excluded from translation. 7k 11 11 gold badges 73 73 silver Translate -openssl-linked option to CMake option. These files are compiled to translation release files (. The qt_ meta catalog contains the still-existing Qt translations that were included in the qt_ catalog in Qt 4. qm文件。默认情况下,无论您将. txt文件,并且写入一些简单的内容。CMake官方已经对qt提供了一些支持,但是支持有限,所以qt官方自己也写了一些cmake模块文件,但是在使用过程中,qt的一些模块可能还需要手动添加。 qt在创建项目时可以选择build system为cmake,qtcreator会自动帮用户创建CMakeLists. ts file passed as an argument, generating . qm 文件 会被放置在构建目录的根目录下,而不管你在源目录中将 . To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the 背景介绍 Qt5新的版本开始支持cmake编译方式。最近在做个界面,做到一半,发现工程开始的时候应该添加的翻译选项没有了,我总不能重新做吧?该怎么办? Solution 1:重新建立一个工程 方法概述 这个方法就是在开始 We now need to tell Qt to use the translation files we have created. 23; 参考; cmake中不会涉及到linguist的操作; 当生成ts文件后, 手动使用linguist工具翻译好即可 Linguist comes with a few examples which are used to generate the documentation. Description. For example, the file qt_de. I'm having a problem when i'm trying to add the process of generating the translations inside the CMake process. qm files are added to @G_ka disclaimer: not that I've used Qt translation files via CMake. The paths of the generated files are added to 在CMake中使用以下代码查找Qt5LinguistTools,QT_PATH 需要设置为对应的qt版本所在的目录. 11. 1 MSVC 2019 kit:-- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD -- Performing Test The following examples illustrate how to prepare Qt applications for translation: Hello tr() is a C++ application that demonstrates the creation of a QTranslator object. First problem I meet is that cmake doesn't know about command QT5_ADD_TRANSLATION(we are using cmake for building our project). The paths may contain wildcards in a format that is accepted by I am trying to generate and update Qt translation files, using CMake. Here is the CMakeLists. 8 or less, the following workflow was working, but 3. ts ファイルを . To collect all targets of the build system, call qt_collect_translation_source_targets at the end of the top-level CMakeLists. txt, it will output something like lupdate warning: no TS files specified. . The translation files to create or update need to have a . I tried to use qt5_create_translation macro (documented here) to update my *. Qt Creator + CMake 管理工程翻译文件. Scheduled Pinned Locked Moved Qt Creator and other tools 2 Posts 1 Posters 2. The meta catalog depends on translations that might be absent, because @Creaperdown the qt_add_translations() call looks straighforward. ts files and your_output_path is the path where to put the . To solve the make clean problem, add a sub directory (ADD_SUBDIRECTORY(translations)) and add SET_DIRECTORY_PROPERTIES(PROPERTIES CLEAN_NO_CUSTOM 1) to the contained CMakeLists. 8; Qt Core; CMake Variables in Qt6 Core; QT_I18N_TRANSLATED_LANGUAGES; QT_I18N_TRANSLATED_LANGUAGES. Qt CMake create qm files. ts files should be updaed manually with lupdate whenever you need to add new strings. 16. However I don't get the part with the change event. 5. ts files untouched dur Thank you very much, Christian! This helps. I have a cmake based project I am testing out translation files with. qm files of the same base name that are stored in the build directory. Replace qt5_create_translation() by a new CMake command that solely updates . Scheduled Pinned Locked Moved Solved General and Desktop 2 Posts 1 Posters 799 Views. The idea is taken from Professional CMake, 7th Edition by Craig Scott I'm developing Qt application and now I want to do some I18N stuff. The target should be built from Linguist comes with a few examples which are used to generate the documentation. txt of the root project: qt_add_translations(appTestLocalization TS_FILES i18n/lang_fr_FR. 2) application, built with CMake. Paths to the generated . qm files in the build directory, which is pretty logical and 在本文中,我们将介绍如何使用CMake来开发Qt 6应用程序,并提供相应的源代码示例。在上面的示例中,我们首先使用cmake_minimum_required命令指定了CMake的最低版本要求。通过结合使用CMake和Qt,你可以更方便地管理和构建你的Qt项目。在你的Qt项目根目录下,创建一个名为CMakeLists. When I met that problem, I also read threads like Unknown CMake command "QT5_CREATE_TRANSLATION" and qt4 to qt5 Discover the new CMake API for internationalization in Qt 6. e. 0) # 项目命名 # Qt5/Qt6 Internationalization with CMake and Qmake - pedrolcl/qt-i18n If versionless commands are disabled, use qt6_add_translation instead. 2 + CMake 2. 1 + QT5_CREATE_TRANSLATION: how to prevent delete existing ts file during clean. Configured with a Qt 6. Now I would expect a . If the given file path is not absolute it is resolved @kkoehne Hi and thank you for the suggestion. Now you just have to add ${QM_FILES} Why does such a tiny program compile into a surprisingly large executable? If versionless commands are disabled, use qt6_create_translation instead. 7w次,点赞4次,收藏44次。本文详细介绍了Qt项目中实现多语言支持的方法,包括使用QTranslator类加载翻译文件,确保所有用户可见字符串使用tr()函数,以及如何生成和使用. The Qt translations are managed using two files: ts and qm. Hot Network Questions Movie with a girl going to a magic school and getting a non-black cat A121016: Numbers whose binary expansion is properly periodic. When building with CMake, you use CMake commands to add targets that create or update TS files and transform them into QM files. 3. The paths of the generated files are added to <VAR>. Thanks to Cmake's QT5_CREATE_TRANSLATION() command, each build updates the Example of automatic generation of . The languages in QT_I18N_TRANSLATED_LANGUAGES are used to: Set up executable targets for consuming . or A328594: Numbers whose binary expansion is aperiodic Short story about a man who removes his brain Marks the target as excluded from translation. ts文件都放在构建dir的根级。如何为构建中的这些文件指定子for? @Vede34 Hi. See here for an example of that. Options. When running the update_translations project in MSVC it never ends. ts file for each language. 实验通过版本, Qt5, cmake-3. Tomilov Anatoliy Tomilov Anatoliy. qm files are successfully generated and loaded from resources on application start. I was having the same issue. qm files are added to . Source files that match the patterns in this exclusion list are ignored by lupdate. I tried many different ways of calling qt_add_trasnlations where my goal was to limit the scope of which files to parse in order to generate the ts files. 2 This property was introduced in Qt 6. txt中集成这些步骤。 Qt Creator对 QMake 的支持是非常完善的,对项目构建、 翻译 文件的创建与更新、Qt元数据系统都做到了系统的支持。 虽然Qt Creator也支持CMake,但是完全谈不上友好。 重要: 上面步骤1和3可以在CMakeList文件中直接通过宏操作,步骤2可以通过命令行直接敲入命令打开Qt预言家工具进行编辑. wrote on last edited by #2. Once translations are made, there will a . ts 文件 放在哪里。 我该如何在构建过程中为这些文件指定一个子目录? - ymoreau This property was introduced in Qt 6. txt文件,并且写入一些简单的内容。CMake官方已经对qt提供了一些支持,但是支持有限,所以qt官方自己也写了一些cmake模块文件,但是在使用过程中,qt的一些模块可能还需要手动添加。在使用qt预言家的功能时,就需要这种 随着Qt 6的发布,cmake也正式宣告接管qmake的工作了。在之前的一篇博客里我介绍了如何使用cmake管理你的qt项目,不过有一点我没有讲,那就是对国际化(i18n)的处理。今天我们就来介绍下如何使用cmake+clion配置管理一个包含 CMake Commands in Qt6 LinguistTools. 2 and latest Qt 6. ts files before calling the Qt macro :. Follow asked Oct 5, 2013 at 1:45. It was created to make porting applications from Qt 4 to Qt 5 easier. asked May 25, 2022 at 12:43. However, from your CMakeLists file: {HEADERS} ${UI}) and checking documentation, it seems your passing arguments in wrong order. Arrow Pad is one of them. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 5 months ago. Only diagnostics will be Linguist comes with a few examples which are used to generate the documentation. ts files are in subdirectory lang In this version . The ts files are edited by translators and updated from source files. We fire up Qt Linguist to "translate" the handful of plural forms, and now frogger's game progress display can show "1 frog is home" and "2 frogs This property was introduced in Qt 6. 13+(我使用的是Qt 5. rbaleksandar. If the given file path is not absolute it is resolved Hello everyone! I am trying to migrate from . Set this target property to ON to exclude it from translation. set_source_files_properties(${TS_FILES} PROPERTIES OUTPUT_LOCATION your_output_path) Where TS_FILES contains the list of the . qt_add_translation (非推奨) Qt Linguist . Therefore, they must be added to the repository. The Qt. 我使用 qt5_add_translation 命令来运行 lrelease 并生成 . 7, addressing the shortcomings of the previous version. ts file is updated in every build by running lupdate. Do I have to setText() of every single widget in my UI manually? Especially in my case where I'm using an UI file and adding only How to port this kind of translation cmake snippet to work with Qt5 ? cmake; translation; qt5; Share. 我使用qt5_add_translation运行lrelease并生成. What I would like is to create them in the same cmake of my project. I just opened up Qt Creator and in the Welcome to Qt Creator pane I've went to Examples and typed linguist and found the Arrow Pad example. 1 MSVC 2019 kit:-- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD -- Performing Test Thanks for the snippet! I'm using it in my C++ AidKit library which I'm using with add_subdirectory() and for that I had to replace: CMAKE_BINARY_DIR with CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR and CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR with CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR i. 7) find_package(Qt5LinguistTools) add_custom_command(OUTPUT @Christian-Ehrlicher Qt5's cmake modules does not provide the qt_add_translations() command, it's added in Qt6. Attribution 4. You can set additional OPTIONS that should be passed when lrelease is invoked. add_custom_comma qt5_add_translation(<VAR> file1. ts files into . My problem is that when I invoke make clean, my . qt5_add_translation (<VAR> Create Qt translation files with CMake. QTBUG-76410 CMake: Introduce qt_update_translation function Closed QTBUG-107853 qt6_add_translations() deletes CMake-generated *. To exclude all targets under a subdirectory, use the directory property QT_EXCLUDE_FROM_TRANSLATION. 原文链接. The paths may be absolute or relative to CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR. ; Arrow Pad is a C++ application that demonstrates how to make the application load translations depending on the current locale. Is there wor 通过生成QM文件,我们可以轻松地在Qt应用程序中实现多语言支持。 在本文中,我将向您展示如何使用cmake qt5_create_translation命令的详细用法,以便您能够在自己的项目中实现多语言支持。 cmake qt5_create_translation詳細用法 使用cmake qt5_create_translation命令的详细用法 Here is a small snipped I wanted to share about generation of qt translation files. The -target-language and other options are the artefacts of me trying to make it work by specifying extra options I never had to use. The translation files are generated when you build the targets. C Offline. 17+ deletes the Qt's TS files. Basic Cmake Based Project # Qt对cmake版本的最小要求(但测试发现低一点的版本似乎也没问题) cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3. 16. ts and . qm ファイルにコンパイルします。 ターゲットベースの以下のコマンドへの変更が推奨されています。 qt6_add_lrelease; qt6_add_translations We have a large set of libraries, each with their translations, that is set up using CMake. Linguist comes with a few examples which are used to generate the documentation. In your case qt5_create_translation(QM_FILES ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} translateApptr_lang_sp. It is a wrapper around the built-in add_executable() command, and provides additional logic to automatically handle things like linking of Qt plugins in static Qt builds, platform-specific customization of library names, and so on. qm files (relative to the build directory or absolute). 0. ts files when project is cleaned [CMake] Qt translation handling angroyer angroyer at lincolnelectric. ts ファイルを生成または更新するためのターゲットを追加します. Examples Description. Viewed 14k times 9 . txt; Add 'LinguistTools' to find_package() Add I18N_TRANSLATED_LANGUAGES and the language code (i. Update: Simplified problem With CMake 3. 1 1 1 silver badge. Explore the project-wide view, exclusion options, and support for plural forms. Set a property on the . ts file to be generated with entries for all strings to be translated. Load the package with: Warning: This function is deprecated. 1 MSVC 2019 kit:-- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD -- Performing Test Qt 6. qm files are added to Unknown command : QT5_ADD_TRANSLATION in Qt cmake project. But why did you feel the need to add the manual add_dependencies? add_dependencies(presentation presentation_lupdate) This would mean that the source side of the . qm contains the German translation of all libraries. It also took the strings in TARGET_LIBRARIES to form the include paths required for the Qt translation tools to work. I can reproduce the problem easily. qt5_create_translation() does not generate a cmake target, so, how to add it to my executable target? PS: If you run lupdate CMakeLists. qm files with CMake. 3. ts suffix. For this, I am using qt_add_translations. 1 MSVC 2019 kit:-- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD -- Performing Test I suspect that if I remove the translations. Processes given sources (directories or individual files) to generate Qt Linguist . Cobra91151. ts helloworld_de. You can Description. 4k次,点赞21次,收藏11次。CMake是一个允许构建(build)、测试(test)和打包应用程序的工具。就像Qt一样,它可以在所有主要的开发平台上使用。它也被各种IDE支持,当然也包括Qt Creator。在本节中,我们将展示在CMake项目中使用Qt的最基本方法。 Qt Linguist . 概述. Calls lrelease on each . For the second part of your question there are two possible ways to do it. If versionless commands are disabled, use qt6_create_translation instead. @zandarina said in The ts files of qtlinguist are not created in cmake:. qt5_create_translation(QM_FILES 使用qt5_create_translation命令注册ts文件及其依赖源,输出qm文件列表。 查看Qt5LinguistToolsMacros. ts translation source format is designed for use during the application's development. uiLanguage property can also be used in other bindings to make decisions based on the It seems I found a culprit: QtCreator calls cmake --build --target clean when rebuild is requested. uiLanguage property. Now i have the following CMakeLists. qm form. Migration from qmake to cmake. 9k You can find an example of integration of Qt's linguistic tools (lupdate and lrelease) into CMake's build. Either use FILE(WRITE Give the TS files to translators who add translations using Qt Linguist. ts). In my source code, I use strings encapsulated with qr(). qm) and passed to the QML compiler, which replaces the qsTr() or qsTrId() calls with a lookup of the correct string based on the Qt. @ekkescorner I found in yours article solution for fixing en_US and en simultaneous ts files creation:. Open CMakeLists. txt: qt在创建项目时可以选择build system为cmake,qtcreator会自动帮用户创建CMakeLists. Because the macro About. qt_add_lrelease. It also shows the simplest use of the tr() function to mark user-visible source text for translation. I refer to QtLinguist Manual. qm file per locale. qt_standard_project_setup( I18N_SOURCE_LANGUAGE en_US I18N_TRANSLATED_LANGUAGES uk_UA ja_JP ) Finally I created CMakeLists that works for @Christian-Ehrlicher Qt5's cmake modules does not provide the qt_add_translations() command, it's added in Qt6. Community Bot. Examples I am with latest cmake 3. . Processes given sources (directories or individual files) to generate Qt Linguist . 1 + QT5_CREATE_TRANSLATION: how to prevent delete existing ts file during clean; QtWS: Super Early Bird Tickets Available! Qt 5. pro files to CMake and stuck on automation of preparing and embedding translations into executable. qt5_create_translation(QM_FILES ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} helloworld_en. The following CMake commands are defined when Qt6::LinguistTools is loaded, for instance with. 29. ts files are in turn compiled into . txt:. 1 MSVC 2019 kit:-- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD -- Performing Test If versionless commands are disabled, use qt6_create_translation instead. DomTomCat Create Qt translation files with CMake. 0. cpp ${QM_FILES} ) 注意,必须将<VAR>加入到add_executable参数中才能在编译时生成只有原文 QT-Linguist工具主要用在项目的多语言翻译处理过程中,所有先简单介绍一下整个多语言处理过程,最后介绍Linguist的用法。(一)QT项目实现多语言,必须做两件事:1)确保每一个用户可见的字符串都使用了tr()函数。2)在应用程序启动的时候,使用QTranslator载入一个翻译文件(. Updating the translations can be done by adding the qm_files to the source list of your library/executable, so they are always updated, or by adding a custom target to control 本文详细介绍了如何在CMake项目中利用QtLinguist进行翻译,包括设置翻译路径、查找并调用Qt工具 (lupdate和lrelease)以及在CMakeLists. 1. Use the result of qt_collect_translation_source_targets as input for qt_add_lupdate. ts files and generate *. ts file gets removed. Just go to project check it and it will be generated I recently moved my Qt project form qmake to CMake build system and now I'm trying to set up a translation system. Now with regards to building additional target - build step is: I want to provide translations to my Qt (version 6. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3. com Fri Dec 20 10:49:23 EST 2019. It supports the same set of arguments as this command. ts files. Sets up the Qt Linguist translation toolchain. 0 International ===== Creative Commons Corporation ("Creative Commons") is not a law firm and does not provide legal services or legal advice. Example of a C++ / QT project using cmake that generates the qt translations files (. This property was introduced in Qt 6. ts translateApptr_lang_en. The new command should support both setting sources and include directories explicitly, as well as deduce it from a target: Explicit mode Qt 5. qrc file from that list, that this can be used with the translation CMake functions but I'm a little unclear how to put it all together :(I changed that list (removing the qrc file), and added the qrc file to the list of Hi all. ts files in the source directory and *. List of languages to be used for project internationalization. 8. I am using the following CMake code to compile and copy my . Probably you or someone else here know a way to keep . Translators read and update the TS files using Qt Linguist adding and editing their translations. Similarly, every build process should update this file with new entries. To include the translations in the application, qm binary file is generated. qm文件放在源dir中的何处,. Set this directory property to ON to exclude all targets in the directory and its subdirectories from translation. cmake内容可以发现主要部分代码如下: function(QT5_CREATE_TRANSLATION _qm_files) . txt的文件。 Hi all. : qt5_create_translation(QM_FILES qt_add_executable() tells CMake that we want to build an executable (so not a library) called helloworld as a target. Programmers or release managers run the lupdate program to generate and update TS files with the source text that is extracted from the source code.
qcfj wphv qyxtib mbnf haqlfa akkcsi zcflo evtad watr hsnn eshugb luvypn irjm zzdlwr bosscqnd