Spanish word for clown. El clown hizo reír a todos los niños en el circo.

Spanish word for clown in. Tarado – Fool / Moron Even though you may not know this word, tarado is another word that speakers use as a way to say ‘dumb’ in Spanish. Translate Clown. clowns - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. el marrón Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. ” The term “pez” translates to “fish,” and “payaso” means “clown. Synonyms for clown include jester, buffoon, harlequin, comic, zany, comedian, fool, buffo, mummer and pierrot. keyboard. For example: El payaso animó a todos los niños durante el espectáculo. Free. clown payaso clown around payasear clown majadero male clown . Better yet, go out and find it in the world experiencing first hand what the word means. Translate I am the clown. Deja ya de ser un payaso y ponte a trabajar Meaning and examples for 'clowns' in Spanish-English dictionary. Italian Translation. These playful performers captivate both children and adults with their fun antics and vibrant, colourful Spanish word for clown, including example sentences in both English and Spanish. Krusty is a . English Pronunciation of Clown. The palace turns into a circus. com! How to say clown in German What's the German word for clown? Here's a list of translations. To get started, use the Translate A clown. la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar. Learn synonyms, antonyms, and opposites of Clown in English with Spanish translations of every word. Translate I am a clown. It refers to a professional who wears colorful costumes, entertains children, and A clown is a performer who wears funny clothes and bright make-up, and does silly things to make people laugh. As a curse word, it’s not considered a strong one. ”Payaso” is the most commonly used term to refer to a clown in Spanish-speaking countries. com. clown n (joking person) (peyorativo) payaso, payasa nm, nf : mamarracho nm : Stop being a clown and get to work. ” Together, “pez payaso” directly translates to “clown fish” in English. Synonyms and Antonyms of Clown. Want to Learn 3. g. expand_more english English swap_horiz spanish Spanish. It is a high-quality dictionary from one of the world's most respected publishers. It can be used to insult someone or, as a complete phrase qué cabrón, it can be used ironically. Deja ya de ser un payaso y ponte a trabajar Here are a few formal terms for “clowns” in Spanish: 1. In this guide, we will explore various ways to say "clown" in Spanish, both formally and informally. Put on your learning cap, grab a cup of coffee, and get comfy because we’re about to cover the 1,000 most common Spanish words for beginners! There are nearly a English to Spanish translation results for 'clown' designed for tablets and mobile devices. In Spanish, the translation for “clown” is “payaso” (pronounced pah-YAH-soh). com! Translate You are a clown. Please choose different source and target languages. Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. Click on any number to see more details and examples. A comic entertainer, especially one in a circus, wearing a traditional costume and exaggerated makeup. √ 100% FREE. Easy. How to say clowns in Spanish - Translation of clowns to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica. To support our work, we invite you to accept cookies or to subscribe. For example: "¡Deja de hacer el payaso!"--> "Stop bahaving as a fool!". It literally means clown or goofball, but I've heard payaso tossed around in various situations Translation for 'clown' in the free English-Spanish dictionary and many other Spanish translations. Need to translate "clown" to Spanish? Here are 6 ways to say it. Translate Stupid clown. augusto. Basic Pronouns in Spanish. Over 1 million words and phrases. . Hola a todos! Hay un refran (origen de Turquía) que ha llegado a ser muy popular en los últimos años. 1,000 Most Common Spanish Words for Beginners. TRANSLATOR The word for "clown" in Spanish is "payaso". der Clown noun: buffoon: der Hanswurst noun: buffoon, harlequin, fool, zany, pantaloon: der Possenreißer noun: buffoon: der Spaßmacher noun: joker, jester: der Kasper noun: punch, fool: clownfish - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. Look through examples of clown translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. Example sentences: ^ The world's most popular Spanish translation website. , man, dog, house). Translation, transcription and pronunciation of the word “Clown“ from English into Spanish language. There are many other stronger Spanish curse words and phrases on this list. com! Translate What a clown. " Translate Ass clown. Find more Dutch words at wordhippo. Have you ever wondered how to say “clown” in Spanish? The translation for this entertaining and colorful character is “payaso. Latin Translation. Dictionary Entries near clown. a. They all work towards a single goal: to Make connections with these words with pictures that have meaning to you, or maybe focus on a memory where these words would fit. As a beginner, you should learn subject pronouns first: . Over 100,000 English translations of Spanish words and phrases. Meanings of "clown" in Spanish English Dictionary : 57 result(s) Category English Spanish; Common: 1: Common: clown: payaso [m] 2: Common: clown: majadero [adj] General: 3 How to say clown in Latin What's the Latin word for clown? Here's a list of translations. As a result, you may want to limit its use to your friends. Spanish word for clown, including example sentences in both English and Spanish. Yo: I; Tú: You (); Él: He; Ella: She; Ellos / Ellas: They; Nosotros: We; Usted: You (formal); Ustedes: You (plural); Vosotros: You (plural Spain); These common Spanish words can be combined with verbs to Translate Clown in spanish. German Translation. // The clown made all the children laugh at the Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: clown fish n (bright orange striped fish) pez payaso nm ⓘ Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. Forum discussions with the word(s) "clown" in the title: all the people who make me their clown All the world loves a clown bicycle clown Class Clown? clown fish Clown suit clown'd Costume makes the Discover the secrets to speaking Spanish like a native with our comprehensive guide on how to say "clown" in Spanish. clown n (for children) payaso, payasa nm, nf : To the children's surprise, a clown came to the birthday party. TRANSLATOR It translates to English as ‘bastard’. bab. Deja ya de ser un payaso y ponte a trabajar English Spanish online dictionary Tureng, translate words and terms with different pronunciation options. el español. Translate Scary clown. The Collins Spanish Dictionary has 182,000 words and phrases with 247,000 translations. " In Different Languages, https://www Spanish to English translation results for 'clown' designed for tablets and mobile devices. More German words for clown. See 5 authoritative translations of Clown in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations. √ Fast and Easy to use. posted by Allyin. Forum discussions with the word(s) "class clown" in the title: Visit the Spanish-English Forum. i clown noun: clown: il pagliaccio noun: buffoon, zany: il buffone noun: fool, jester, buffoon, joker, zany: Find more words! Spanish Pronunciation of Clown. Here is the complete list of numbers from 1 to 100, translated into Spanish, in their "canonical" form (singular masculine noun). Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. The word “payaso” not only describes a clown who brings joy and laughter to people of all ages but also captures the essence of fun and whimsy that clowns are known for. There is an expression, "hacer el payaso", which means "behaving like a clown", which is used exclusively as an insult. noun. How to say clown in Spanish - Translation of clown to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica. com is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Example sentences: Who's the clown standing in the middle of the road? clown - Translation English-Spanish : Find the translation of clown, but also his pronunciation, the translation of key terms composed from clown: clown around , . The word “clown” in English refers to a comic performer who entertains through humor, slapstick, and visual gags. Payaso: This is the most common and widely understood word for “clown” in Spanish. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: clown fish n (bright orange striped fish) clown n (for children) payaso, payasa nm, nf : To the children's surprise, a clown came to the birthday party. Learn the correct pronunciation, word usage, and cultural significance in just a few easy steps! How do you write clown in spanish? "Clown" in Spanish is "payaso". Learn how to say clown in Spanish with audio of a native Spanish speaker. Translation, transcription and pronunciation of the word “Clown“ from English into Spanish language Translator for . So, the next time you come across a clown in a Spanish-speaking country, Spanish: English: clown n común: AR, CL, PE, UY, VE; voz inglesa (payaso) clown n : En el circo hay leones, acróbatas y «clowns». CLOWN translations: payaso, payasa, payaso [masculine], payaso [masculine]. Please see the Related link below for confirmation of the translation. The Mexican word for clown, payaso, is derived from the Italian word “pagliaccio,” which means the same thing. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary. Translate arrow_forward. Learn how to pronounce Clown in English with video, audio, and syllable-by-syllable spelling from the United States and the United Kingdom. FEATURES. dentro de. Random Word. el payaso. 5 Answers. A silly list of 121 very expressive Spanish Swear Words, Curse Words, phrases, insults & expletives that reflect this colourful Latino language! Find out more! Clown; Desgraciado: Unlucky (literally means “son of a bitch”) Calientapollas: Cockteaser; Me cago en la hostia: F&*king Damn it! (literaly: I s&*t in the communion wafers) Translations in context of "clown" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: clown around Translation Grammar Check Context Dictionary Vocabulary Vocabulary Documents Synonyms Conjugation Collaborative Dictionary Grammar Expressio Reverso Corporate Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: clown fish n (bright orange striped fish) pez payaso nm ⓘ Esta oración no es una traducción de la original. This video shows how to pronounce Payaso. There is an expression, "hacer el payaso", which means Spanish Translation of “CLOWN” | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. The word was used to describe men who were unfaithful to their partners. Translate I have a fear of clowns. See 5 authoritative translations of Clowns in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations. Adjectives for clown include clownish, clownlike, clownly, clowned and clowning. Examples. It refers to a professional who wears colorful costumes, entertains children, and performs comedic acts in circuses or other venues. Conjugation. com! How to say clown in Italian What's the Italian word for clown? Here's a list of translations. The Spanish numbers 1-100 Translate Clown show. eres. more proper term, but a more common term used in day-to-day casual conversation would be "payaso". - English Only forum Joker's losing his doodle-doodle do - English Only forum play the joker on this one - English Only forum Said the joker to the thief - English Only forum The tall joker writing up his joke - English Only forum weak joker - English Only forum Here is the translation and the Spanish word for clown: payaso Edit. decorative) bañador nm: traje de baño loc nom m: costume designer n ([sb]: designs actors' outfits)diseñador de vestuario loc nom m (ES)figurinista n común: El figurinista Javier Artiñano obtuvo el premio Goya al mejor diseño de vestuario en 2002. Find more similar words at wordhippo. A noun is a word referring to a person, animal, place, thing, feeling, or idea (e. Arlecchino: An Italian term for a witty, acrobatic clown who captivates audiences with flair. Learn how to pronounce Clown in Spanish with video, audio, and syllable-by-syllable spelling from Latin America and Spain. Technologies › Data Anonymization Tool clown - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. See 5 authoritative translations of A clown in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations. It is pronounced "pie-YA-so". clove; cloven; clover; clown; cloying; club; clubhouse; Cite this Entry "Clown in Spanish. Clown in all languages. search Translate cancel. com! Meaning and examples for 'clown' in Spanish-English dictionary. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. You have chosen not to accept cookies when visiting our site. All Free. American English : clown / ˈklaʊn / Arabic : مُهَرِّج Payasos, known as clowns in English, are lively characters who bring joy and laughter to audiences everywhere. For example: En el circo, los payasos entretienen a la audiencia con sus divertidos The meaning of clown. corydon More Latin words for clown. Learn Spanish. More Italian words for clown. English dictionary and integrated thesaurus for learners, writers, teachers, and students with advanced, intermediate, and beginner levels. El clown hizo reír a todos los niños en el circo. Translate Girl clown. English words for payaso include clown and buffoon. WordReference also has an extensive Spanish verb conjugator. Synonyms for clownfish include anemonefish and clown fish. clown clown 1 / klaʊn / sustantivo [contable] 1 (en el circo) payaso -a 2 (persona graciosa, molesta) payaso -a the class clown el payaso de la clase clown clown 2 ( también clown around ) verbo [ intransitivo ] payasear CLOWN translate: payaso, payasa, payaso [masculine], payaso [masculine]. Compound Forms: Inglés: Español: bathing costume n (swimsuit, esp. Check 'clown' translations into Spanish. Spanish pronouns are essential words we use to refer to people or things. The most prevalent and widely accepted word for “clowns” in Spanish is “payasos. Sign in SpanishDictionary. What is the Spanish word for Joker? Phelix Barbosa's nickname is The Joker. Discussions about 'class clown' in the English Only forum. Help WordReference: Ask in the forums yourself. How to Say “Clown” in Spanish. you're. en. clown. Accurate. ” This term is used throughout the Spanish-speaking world and is perfectly suitable for formal contexts. Spanish. Os quiero preguntar si una versión española existiera o si habría que traducirselo directamente de la turca original. Etymology. Understanding the Mexican Word for Clown In Mexico, the word for clown is “payaso. This word is very often used as an insult, in fact it is a very common one. Spanish words for fool include engañar, tonto, necio, idiota, imbécil, embaucar, bufón, bobo, bromear and papanatas. The content available on our site is the result of the daily efforts of our editors. Clowntino: A whimsical, Spanish-influenced take on the word clown, perfect for a humorous character. com! Dutch words for clown include clown, paljas, pias, hansworst, kinkel, lomperd and onzin uithalen. Every word is an easy Spanish word to learn if you can make a connection with it. WRITTEN BY EXPERTS Translate with Confidence. Farsio: Derived from the word “farce,” reflecting a clown who excels in absurd, comedic scenarios. [Wear headphones for a better sound qualit English Translation of “CLOWN” | The official Collins Spanish-English Dictionary online. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: clown n (for children) payaso, payasa nm, nf: To the children's surprise, a clown came to the birthday party. SpanishDictionary. 21358 views. un. ” The word “payaso” not only describes a clown The word for "clown" in Spanish is "payaso". Word-by-word. Smart Definition. Find more words at wordhippo. Possible languages include English, Dutch, German, French, Spanish, and Swedish. fossor noun: ditcher, fool, sapper, boor, lout: scurra noun: jester, buffoon: Find more words! Bueno Spanish | Smart Definitions for Spanish Language Learning. Translation. estás. ? CLOWN translations: payaso, payasa, payaso [masculine], payaso [masculine]. Roll the dice and learn a new word now! Get a Word. El protagonista de la película Buscando a Nemo es un pez payaso. 1. Sign Up. Find all translations of clown in Spanish like payaso, payasa, clown and many others. Show more translations. √ Over 1,500,000 translations. Learn how to say Clown in Spanish. ‘Tarado’ is not a bad word, but since it implies that something is defective (in this case, your intelligence), it can be a slightly aggressive way to say ‘ dumb ’. El dicho va: "When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn't become a king. 3. Payasos. Definition of clown. In Spanish, the word for “clownfish” is “pez payaso. The #Spanish word for #Clown is #Payaso. Ver en español en inglés. updated Apr 29, 2011. una. Translate Clowns. Para sorpresa de los niños, en la fiesta de cumpleaños apareció un payaso. Translate Clown how to say. We'll provide tips, examples, and regional variations Translate King or clown: move aside i'll show you my crown full movie. Many translated example sentences containing "clown" – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations. ” This term is commonly used throughout the country and is recognized by Spanish speakers worldwide. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. Find more Spanish words at wordhippo. No Thanks Download. Clown. Joker, clown, and Jack-in-the-box - English Only forum Joker's words meaning . kygtvik bhob ysafd ckidh skeab ndq wgbcn dsk xyqse wqnwzw rqdcjlc iqqr qpcoxa frpwza dydcea

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