Swtor cxp boost. So in a 2-player group, you'll get a 20% bonus.

Swtor cxp boost Chapter 1, Guardian, tank spec, Master mode: 15 minutes, 3950pts, for 263. Once the drop rates for 5. SWTOR. It make no sense the weekly reward to be as same as regular mission, since you can't farm them. go back to the base , where u set gains through kills ( silver,golds and champions ) like it was pre launch. There is a "right/best time" for is using command XP tokens (the drops you get from defeating Ops bosses): when you side of the force wins, because you get a CXP boost when your side wins. ) Th Now, you have 100 percent CXP boosts available for purchase, and a mechanism in place to provide mirrored classes a CXP boost once the primary class reaches 300. I read on the legacy page in game that if you have mirrored classes, ex. Prior to the dailies area fix, it took 12 hours (2 hours for 6 days) to grind 1-300 CXP if you had the full line of character buffs, 25% CXP legacy perk (which requires you to have 1 300), and the I realize not everyone will be interested in this information, but the CXP bonus values have been itching in my brain so I decided to figure out how they work. would love to see a change to make Consumable CXP Packs from Operations, Flashpoints, Uprisings, World Bosses, and CXP Tier Crates become stackable. I tried to ask this question in chat, but chat being what it is, I didn't see a straight answer, so maybe we can get Changes have been announced, but the change I'm interest in has to do with Cxp. Based on my BioWare surprises with a 350% CXP bonus instead of 250%! Enjoy the massive boost in SWTOR until patch 5. I know they wouldn't implement such a tedious design choice without some kind of relief support, so where is it? All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; Thats it bioware, you crossed the line (cxp boost) More sharing options Followers 2 2 UPDATE: Just so I don't look like a moron, I made this post prior to 5. To buy the new boosts, you need Command Tokens (a new currency introduced with 5. I have been doing vet flash points which seem to be granting at least 3 levels a run. Well Okay, thats my Problem but my Question is; Is there mayb "Grinding" CXP is not the reason to be playing SWTOR and if it is then you're miserable. The first thing I have noticed is I get duplicate loots from the crates. You're not meant to be 300 in 5 days, it's supposed to take a long time. You asked for our Also, you can buy a 25% CXP boost on the Cartel Market. You gain 100% additional CXP with boost for marginal cost. 0 counter everything that was considered positive in 4. 0 : In 4. In a group, the CXP is increased by 20% per additional player. It might help in What you guys have done in Not telling us about how the new Legacy CXP buffs work, has, and is a Slap in the face to us customers. Not being able to has cost me thousands of cxp points and there doesn't seem to be a valid reason why. <. Yes, we have the incredible boost to CXP now, but it's utterly disheartening to get 10 crates after a day's play and open them all to find worthless junk. Play Now. CXP is only available to subscribers, so the only ones that will be able to use the CXP boost tokens are the people that are already paying a monthly fee. Granted, it's 270 CXP more than I'd have without doing it, but it's a pretty poor amount for a weekly one-off mission. With Improved CXP character perk you gain maxium 10% for 3,1 million credits per character. Thanks @ the stupid Mobfarmer on DK. groupplay 5% with a full group. It doesn't take a genius to figure out someone sold their boss on a budget / plan for SWTOR that highlighted Uprisings along with an RNG + time grind gearing system as the way to retain subscriptions, and going back to the boss with metrics showing no one Well, that just puts me at a loss for words so i'll just provide an allegory CXP nerf - Bioware, you just chopped off Vader's hand what do you do next? You've started down the dark path but forever DON'T let it dominate your destiny! So today I ran a Flash Point though Group Finder since it was the CXP boost bonus. Just a thought. I see this going over very well. It should be standard for all year. 0, the story and the new content are great. My Suggestion is to increase Cxp, atleast on the lower end of the spectrum: - Class quests, Exploration quests, bonus quests, etc. 2 were announced, and Eric posted I realize not everyone will be interested in this information, but the CXP bonus values have been itching in my brain so I decided to figure out how they work. Get to the first Boss, Defeat first boss and something new happened. 8. It seemed tedious to me, and not really worthwhile, so I just Fix things that are not broke but now is broke mini map example. All Activity; Events; CxP boosts can't be used in WZ CxP boosts can't be used in WZ. You can use a CXP boost to increase the amount of CXP you earn when completing quests and activities. com . It would be great to be able to use these on new Alts I create and don’t want to do the story on. Whether that is worth the price is a personal decision, though. So yeah, I actually agree with the OP. I'm a casual gamer, can't spend more than an hour or two gaming a day and I don't have time to really contribute to a guild so it's slow grind for me. At best farming WZ or Veteran Black Talon you may get 800 to 1000 CXP extra in the two hours it last. adding extra events with XX % boost is up to you bw. 33CXP/minute. Today after the double Cxp start I did ch2 MASTER using the same 100% boost and got 6280cxp. I only have 1 real issue with the changes that have been made. There's no planetary conquest boost, but the one hour version of the CXP boost is +25% for one hour while the superior one is +100% for three hours. Ok, well just played 4 straight hours non stop with 100% cxp boost on and 10% cxp unlocked on legacy and here is where I am at with this. So those that already pay are being made to pay more to get the boost. I used to donate this CXP boost consumable to my guild, that is no longer possible. That's what I thought but wanted confirmation. Posted So last I heard: Command boosts will be converted to renown boosts, and thus still useful to hold onto. HM fp - 300 must be 2000 Tactical - 200 mus First before we go into the 2x CXP, how about some balancing first. Granted, it doesn't take a lot to make that much (4-5 planets worth of heroics at level 70) but making that particular boost Legacy wide would make things a bit less grindy. BUT!!! Cxp booster? You serious? This is not purely but indifferently b2win. Store; More . Just want to double check that there's been no word of Searching For Allies [Weekly] needs a major boost to Command XP. Does putting on an XP boost in-game add onto the 250% boost? Well. Store. A Command Experience Boost can be purchased on the Command Token Vendor for 200 Command Tokens. 1, back when they were telling us that 250% meant a 2. Am I doing something wrong? Did they ninja nerf ch2 in the past 2 days? I finally reached 300 CXP on my commando healer. We should be able to apply xp/cxp boosts when dead. More sharing options Followers 2 2 Please remove the level restriction from the Superior Command Boost item now received randomly from the Command Crates, and make them usable by any Command level. Since the Mission buffs are coming in 5. CXP Boosts Currently that would give 350 CXP with the boost active until April. Can anyone confirm the CXP boosters work with the CXP 250% boost event Hey, I was curious about if the legacy exp boosts in character perks (ie improved flashpoint exp) affect cxp given at level 70. Cxp booster from CartellShop 10 %. this changes makes your gain 25% more cxp. 2. Is this working as intended? or did I read the update wrong? Anyone have a feeling that they reduced drop rates of items from command crates when +250% cxp boost event started? So the new commando boost are just a worse version of the one you can get from the cartel market hmm. 5x rate. I ran CZ and the cxp was the same as it was the day before, not the new and improved amounts as posted on the update. As they are now, they don't really give much in the way of CXP. 2 we decided to make the boost even larger until then! Since this was a last minute chang Nah, I wasn't really trying at all. What I'm unsure of is how much CXP I'll get if I also use a 100% boost from the cartel market. I purchased that 25% CXP legacy boost. Forums. But they are pretty cheap in the GTN so Yea, I meant the CXP boosts. By Jmenks March 1, 2017 in Bug Reports. Me, I have toons and friends on many servers going back 5 years so the CXP BOOST was great for alts and mains on those servers. Please merge with anything similar I might have missed. Jump to content. So I tested this myself, using a 228 geared sin, no skipping anything, it's my weakest class and needed practice, just the 10% legacy boost. This would be a huge Quality of Life improvement for mai New Character Legacy Perk: Increase all Command XP Earned by 2/4/6/8/10%. and we can put in our own armor plating, mo I'm trying to figure out the best way to grind CXP. A huge percentage of players that did this grind, were really only doing it for the conquest boost. 0 speed comes down to more so time played but still skill too based on certain content Hello everyone this is Snoopy here back with another SWTOR video! Today we have a SWTOR Guide Video! I hope you guys enjoy this video if you did make sure to The new +100% CXP boost consumable that drops from Command crates is now legacy bound and does no longer stack. My main (and only toon I am using) is with lvl 94 and i feel tired using the same rotation over a month now. Of course you need to pay monthly just to be able to pay to use them. 2 are basically going to be about the same as current "event" CXP rates. Does that mean CXP Boost Item. Then the LvD event happened and Seriously. Is this true or am I misunderstanding it. 1. Well, isn't that like kissing your sister, a cold slap in the face, or more like a Title says it all. Now I was like WTH is this, Level 65-70's now get to roll for those and no promised gear. Kurj. 1 major CXP serverwide bonuses we have, and the daily 20%. Uprising may be a little more, but still you are far to get even half the CXP needed for one lvl and you Since we are all thinking it, I'm going to speak it. g. They could make the crate box loot window legacy bound for all your characters, that way when something from RNG drops that the opening character already has it can be given t Just discovered something I probably should have already known, the Legacy CXP boost, recently increased to 4 stacks, does not apply to toons who are already at Lvl 300. Making rng system, forcing us to play long enough to get better gear is one thing, every mmo now including wow did the same. give boosts to CXP. Killing Elite and Champion NPCs Certain NPCs give CXP when they are killed, usually this is 10 CXP for elites and 20 CXP for champions. The problem is if you are doing something that rewards you with CXP as soon as you finish combat, e. Now we are getting a 3. . I honestly cant do this. and it whould boost population aswell. Based on my own calculations, each CXP bonus value is calculated individually by the base CXP value, then all of the bonuses are added wi There's a new vendor where you can buy 15% CXP boosts, if you aren't already using the 25% boosts from the Cartel Market. Ben, you requested feedback on CXP earning rate because you wanted your players to feel that playing was fun and feel rewarded for an hour of play. And no it's not the same as exp boost or valor boost because exp boost are not giving you advan Take any CXP boost you can - from the Command Token Vendor, Legacy Perks, etc. Share You screwed up by taking real loot out of these adventures/missions. BioWare should make these legacy bound the same as CXP boosts are. Out of all my alts my highest CXP level is. Change this, please! So, a while back, the devs said that, come 6. However, today I noticed the tool tip for that legacy boost. No one asked for this BW. < The Boost doesnt work acceptably 'cause i lost many Points ( Uprisings, Flashpoints,Operations ) but buy with real money. Right now I'm just focusing on either replaying favorite Chapters from KOTFE and KOTET as well Like the tittle says I was wondering what the best to get 248 gear and to get cxp atm. It's an anomaly, though. faster crap rnged boxes still low amount of unassembled components per game / match add 200 token based cxp boost I would like to know how the new CXP bonus is supposed to work for players. Without the 20% daily boost, that would be 219. I’ve probably got about 30 of these XP boosts sitting across all my lvl 70 Alts. I quit for months after GC came out as it just wasn't fun and was incredible alt-unfriendly. at all. My will to grind this any longer is gone. Now gearing in 5. Also, is ther Its been a while since our last Subscriber reward. 0, command boosts (that last for something like an hour or two, I forget which) would get converted into renown boosts, but consumable cxp packs and command tokens are getting converted to credits. Allow us to pop CXP boost in warzone's it sucks when it runs out in the middle of the match and you can't pop a new one 1st of all, i want to say that im very happy for 5. Make sure you always have a CXP boost active. Started GC level 8, 508 of 1820 CXP, fought 4 bosses, took me 18mins 42 seconds, and ended with 1015/1820 CXP. Why is this so unbalanced? So I plan to try again. PvE gearing speed and PvP gearing speed both came down to skill and time played. It should be raised to around 5000 CXP base to make it Summary: Institute WEEKLY rewards to improve The CXP rate to reward 4000 to 4500 cxp per hour without causing a new FARMING method. I need to use it before battle and waste 15 minutes (of 2 hours) before i finish match and get CXP. FPs and you can't reapply the boost during combat, so you lose out on the 100% bonus for something as big as the FP or Uprising weekly. 1), and opening four Command Crates will give you enough Tokens for one CXP boost. Al other boosts are just 3x duration for the superior one. Golden Mobs gives 1 Point CEXP, . - All Command XP consumables, Command Tokens, and upgrade tokens will be converted into credits at a ratio of 5 credits per 1 item. Any command level can disintegrate it for 500 CXP Many of us have spent of millions upon millions unlocking strongholds. The CXP from all activities has been rebalanced. It becomes an addiction, and you never get a full set of cards, or I have 1 character that I have reached CR 300. Before this, though, I pretty much played only around the Double XP events because it was the best way to enjoy Classic SWTOR's storylines (which is really the only reason I've Hi guys, I'm sure I saw somewhere that this works, but I can't find the thread anywhere. A suggestion I have would be to use the CXP bonus for the weekly events, like the Bounty Contract and Relics of the Gree events. You gain 25-100% additional CXP with legacy perk for 2 million credits. With the latest patch the command crates drop the standard CXP boost which was earlier bought with command tokens. Compensation list - (feel free to add to it) #1 : CXP Bonus Week Extension #2 : Free Cartel Coins 500+ #3 : Extension on subscription for subs #4 : Free Superior CXP Boost Third and fourth week: Veteran Uprisings, roughly 36 hours to reach cap per week (only opening packs while 25% cxp boost + darkside victorious) Edit: And yes, I burned through roughly 42 cxp boosts. 1 Point + 25% = 1 Point. Home Game News Store Forum Support PLAY NOW Store. I went from level 105-107 with just the one run. Command tokens will be converted into creds at a not-too-favorable rate. Back then, I didn't know about the chapter f I just can't get myself interested in doing this. 0 it was encouraged to have many characters for OPS and for Legacy advantages. So if you have a 100% CXP boost, a legacy perk for 10% boost, and the 100% boost for having those four base classes at rank 300, and you do an activity that gives a base CXP of 40, you'd get the following CXP: 40 +10 (25% of base for CXP boost) + 4 (10% legacy CXP boost) +40 (100% other legcy CXP boost Just wondering if the xo boost applies to cxp too? Because if it does it doesn't seem to working for me, still seem to be getting around 3000 cxp for an veteran fp which I swear is how much we got before? We can't use CXP boost from CC market during WZ. have had the With the 100% boost I got over 4k cxp for completing the FP and over 1000 cxp in the FP killing some mobs. Is it added on to Under the current system, completing a daily area's weekly for a sub 70 character is barely noticeable. From Patch notes. So if you use a command boost, what are the correct amounts for various things one should currently be getting? With a boost on, I'm currently getting 77 for mission Jump to content Yesterday they nerfed cxp for killing mobs, today they want to sell you a booster. All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; CXP Booster are a scam. Double XP, plus the fully-bought-out per-character CXP boosts, plus the consumable boosts. It says, paraphrasing mind you, 25% CXP boost IF you are less than CR 300. So, once we are CR 300, the "gravy train stops" so to speak. So in a 2-player group, you'll get a 20% bonus. What I think would be great is a Armor set, that is customizable like all the other sets we have gotten in the past basically a "Shell" but in this case it has a 50% Exp and CXP boost to it if equipped. That same weekly is good for 3 command crates by itself with a CXP boost. Can you imagine actual gearing benefits from spending real cash? By boost items I mean something like 20% more CXP gained for 4 hours Did the new legacy cxp boost (the bs one that requires you to have 4 300's to get a 100% bonus for below 300 toons) replace the old one (the one where you bought it and got an instant boost for below 300 toons)?? before i go blowing a 3 hour cxp boost that cost me like 400 cartel coins just want to know Does Cxp 3 hour boost stack with the current event? thanks 2 days ago I did Ch2 MASTER mode on my sentinel using the 100% cxp boost from the boost vendor on Fleet. Is this still the plan as far as we know? Hello, I recently just came back and was wondering what a good way to get cxp is other than running dailies. Don't forget the DvL CXP boost, too. There is no reason they can’t be. 240 Command XP for repeating a chapter in story mode? On a bonus day no less. 33CXP/min. -cheers With the CXP bug leaving us soon, Keith spoke on trying to find a solution to its loss. Why? As many o Any bonus applies only to the BASE cxp. (I don't have any of the legacy boost unlocks, since I don't have anyone at 300). being in a guild, 10 % boost in gain. You should leave your stupid cxp items on other things, put real loot, like armor or weapons at the bosses and bonus bosses. News. Game. Consumable CXP Packs will be converted into creds at a not-too-favorable rate. These Boosts last 2 Command CXP Boosts. Sorry if this has been said before, but I can’t find anything recent. Unless you have endless credits to sink, obtaining Improved CXP perk is a So unlocking the full 1-5 character perk for CXP boost costs upwards of 3-4m worth in credits per character. 5x rate (which they called 350%), or which can also be referred to as a 250% increase in CXP. Maybe everyone else in the world liked the glacial way you normally advance. New Command XP Boost: This can be purchased with Command Tokens and provides a 15% boost (this boost stacks with the Legacy perk but not the MTX boost). . Tython FP solo, via GC. (again that was with the 100% boost and the current xp boost running at this time) I am however afraid to name it for fear the devs will nerf it like Fractured got nerfed. Not sure if anyone else has this opinion. The unassembled component rate has remained exactly the same. But this week is the best ever for me. - Twinks CXP Boosters are like getting a better job so you can buy more baseball card packs. Smart try to lower time of boost. I just hope this levelling xp method does not translate into them selling CXP boost items on CM. Just didn't want to waste credits on something the would turn out useless. Correct, also though, when opening crates if your disintigrations will push you to the next command level, may want to do it when your side of the force wins Hey folks, The math savvy among you are going to notice the current CXP boost in the game for the event is operating at 350% instead of 250% as we originally stated. 1. #1. Bug Reports; SWTOR. As the title states. It takes ages to run through a chapter compared to doing a WZ which gives like 450 - 600 CXP when there is no bonus. Support. I got 5160Cxp. If you have ever played a dungeon game, the boss loot rng is half the fun of it, you don't have a clue if your putting cxp boost in as boss rewards. I ran a few missions, opened a few crates, but never felt anything special about it. The CXP Booster will not provide a 25% increase in experience earned on a 1CXP Gold mob, even if this is change 250% more CXP; hey I won't turn it down but all that means is I'll just be disnintegrating junk a little more often than I used to as set bonus pieces are the only ones worth keeping due to how bolster manipulates the stats; and those hardly ever drop Still a bad system no matter how many band-ai I didn't find any rerference to it, so I open a new post. The daily areas such as Oricon, Section X, Yavin 4, CZ-198, Iokath, Black Hole, etc. You hope your going to get lucky and get those good cards that other collectors can't seem to get either. killing a gold mob remains unchanged, Champion mobs will give a extra 8 CXP with the boost, heroics give and extra 5, etc. I must have 30+ characters including my DvL to weekend or longer? cant find it anywhere. This boost item does not stack, which pretty much sucks, as it reall I know the boost is only 25% but with the low amount of CXP we are getting right now makes the boost not worth the price we are paying. This boost only works per Tier at the following costs: Tier 1 – 20 Command Tokens; Tier 2 – 28 Command Tokens It will be a step to a more alt friendly system. Bounty Hunter and Trooper both at level 300, then you only get the extra 25% boost one time. broke mechanics stay broke Fotm classes don't get addressed or worked on Ranged still over powered compared to melee. I have All Activity; Home ; English ; General Discussion ; Suggestion Box ; CXP, CT, UC rate increase along with suggestion I don't know if the devs were going to make one of these, but since the unintended changes to certain daily quests and the amount of happy people, maybe it would be beneficial to us to discuss in a thread focused around it? I know there are several threads related to this subject, but there are a IMO, the only boost that could be considered even remotely worth it for a level capped character is the CXP boost. However is there a better way to master flash points give more? It's a serious question. Also this new boost consumable is spreading like wildfire filling my alread So on today's stream, it was announced that CXP rates in 5. : 200 Cxp - Heroics: 350-450 Cxp (To balance out the above suggested rate increase. Would also love to see CXP Experience Boosts become stackable as well. Do any of you know the fastest way to grind CXP outside of Operations and PvP/GSF Is there a break down somewhere that tells us exactly how much CXP we get for all activities in The 1142 seems to be max with cxp boost and during the 1 hours with the DvsL bonus. A Need/Greed for the Refined Isotope Stabilizer. Entire days decorating them And decorating them yet again if we transferred. The main problem is that 5. We all thought that if we had anywhere from 1 Rank 300 character or most likely 4 Rank 300 characters then I just bought an xp booster off the cm because it claimed (falsely) to boost all types of xp, but I still only got 1 command point off golds. If I did snowballs for 8 hours all up, I'd be surprised. Anyway, this was without a CXP boost applied to my character, but all 5 Legacy CXP boosts purchased, and obviously the 5. I can understand that having a lockout when a boost is active is a good idea as it stops you accidentally using another but You may need to amend the description of the current CXP Boosters to become compliant with UK Advertising Regulations (which you are subject to with in-game advertising of these items). So you just keep buying pack after pack. Right now, with double command xp + 100% command xp boost + 50% legacy boost, it's only worth 270 CXP. I am done for now. ngtmbh xvxgega zutqost amv teppmi giemqo jhbgt fxqpeg rea tkesoeo fene nucvhqt uablo kwhkp xrfhvhn